MaiaGrazing Annual Field Day 2019 Event Replay
Creating Drought Resilient Farm Businesses

2019 Field Day Event Attended by 250+ Graziers

Setting the scene: Peter Richardson, CEO Maia Technology
Why the top 20% of graziers are 3 times more profitable than the others
Stuart Austin, Wilmot Cattle Co
The crazy ones…and our desire to help others
David McLean, RCS
Decisions and the ones you can’t afford NOT to make.
Bart Davidson, MaiaGrazing & Agronomist
“Droughts are inevitable …being ready is a choice” – Bart Davidson from MaiaGrazing shares his philosophy on drought management
Maddy Coleman
When faced with severe drought, impending financial loss and tough decisions Maddy Coleman shares her journey to regenerative data driven agriculture
Kit Pharo, Pharo Cattle Company (Part 1)
The Importance of Quitting the Herd & Thinking Differently
Kit Pharo, Pharo Cattle Company (Part 2)
Matching your production cycle, cow size & type to your available forage resources